Bismillah. Assalamu'alaikum warohmatullah wa barokatuh. I hope you all in a very good state of health. And i hope that you all have high Imaan. I want to tell you don't ever be sad. because Allah is with you. this life is not worth of being sad. so you should always smile. even though sometimes you feel upset
I also feel upset a lot of times. because i really want to go home to Jannah. and i want to listen to and read the Quran all day. If you ever feel sad. you should go and do sujood (prostrate). and you should remember that you are from the Muslim Ummah.That means.. Everyone is making do'a for you :)
including me! so just keep your head high and be strong. because.. After hardship there is ease. Just like Allah Has promised in the Quran. when you feel sad.. remember this life is just a test. and soon it will be over. and you will be happy forever in Jannah!
you want be sad, and when you sweat. it comes out as perfume on you. everything that is meant to happen to you. Allah wanted it to happen to you. so be happy for that and dont be sad. You are Muslim. And Allah loves you. so love him back. I know im just ardan. little boy. but please listen to me when i talk. when you go to Jannah. you wont even remember these times. when something bad happens to you, or you get hurt, Allah will take your bad sins Away! will find your waayy ;)
sorry.. :)Ya, sometimes Allah tests us with hardships. but Allah tests the people that He loves. so He loves you! and I love you too soo much, I hope this made you happy.. :p ~ Assalamu'alaiku warohmatullahi wa barokaatuh baaayy! ^^
24 Feb 2014 M/ 24 robi'ul tsani 1435 H
24 Feb 2014 M/ 24 robi'ul tsani 1435 H
with love and smile
Ardan :) ~